"Learning isn’t an event; it's a process"
If learning is a natural process then why do we do an awful job when we have to create it for others? The answer is - We RUSH in the process. We want everything to happen in a blink of an eye or with a snap of the fingers. We forget that it is a process depending upon various factors. Learning is an ecosystem of experiences where every experience is interlinked with other and the dependency is in its extreme. It is all about desire and motivation, time and practice needing lots of trial and error.Difference between Training and Learning
Principles of Adult learning - Malcolm Knowles
Principle of Instruction: M. David Merrill
rooted in the creation of task-based learning
successful when they discover how to solve a problem that can be applied in the real world
define how we, as instructional designers, can create experiences that promote learning
For years, the concept of tailoring our learning content to our learners’ preferred learning style(s) (visual, auditory, written, kinesthetic) has been tossed around like a hot potato.
While many learning professionals have clung onto the idea, a 2014 study by the American Psychological Association found little correlation between learning retention and method of delivery
We don’t need to assign blanket assumptions onto our learner based on arbitrary ideas.
Further reading: The eLearning Designer's Handbook: A Practical Guide to the eLearning Development Process for New eLearning Designers by Tim Slade
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